Irwin, “Butch,” Wallace Young passed away peacefully at the age of 94 on January 20, 2022 in Manhattan. He was Chairman of DuArt Film Laboratories, which was founded by his father, Al Young, in 1922. It is the oldest continually operating film lab in the country, and has been a major center of the New York film and television industry for the past 100 years. Irwin Young’s passion was independent film, and his unwavering support impacted a generation of young filmmakers, including Spike Lee, Joel and Ethan Cohen and Barbara Kopple. Young received many industry awards including a 2000 Oscar for technological contributions tothe motion picture industry, and in 1988 the New York State Governor’s Arts Award to those “who made significant contributions to the cultural life of New York State”.

A past-president of The Film Society of Lincoln Center, and of the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE), Young also served as Chairman of the Board of Film Forum, a major nonprofit exhibitor of independents in New York City, was a member of the board of the Independent Features Project (now the Gotham Film & Media Institute), the NY State Council on the Arts, and many others. He also produced several award-winning films. The much beloved husband of his wife, Deanne, who predeceased him and wonderful father to his two daughters, Linda, Nancy and granddaughters, Samantha, Michelle, Lindsay and Mia. He is also survived by his brother, the filmmaker, Robert M. Young.
Video courtesy of Andrew Young/Archipelago Films
Linda Young and Irwin Young in DuArt's wet lab circa early nineties.